Cherry MX Brown Switches
Cherry MX Brown switches are a best-of-both-worlds solution for gamers: they are a mixture of Cherry MX reds and Cherry MX blues with an actuation for…
Cherry MX Blue Switches
Cherry MX blue switches are very special keyboard switches. When switching from regular rubberdome keyboards you will immediately notice the very loun…
Cherry MX Red Switches
Cherry MX red switches are among the most popular switches for gaming keyboards. They are very easy to press down (only 45cN actuation force) and are …
The best Keyboard for CS:GO!
When you’re also an oldschool Counterstrike player like me (playing since 1.6, those were the days) you might have gone through lots of differen…
The best Keyboard for League of Legends
If you’re also tryharding your way through Solo Queue on Summoner’s Rift, you’ll soon find out that your old 5 Dollar keyboard is no…
Cherry MX Switches: Comparison
If you’re serious about your keyboard or gaming keyboard there is only one choice: mechanical switches, preferably the ones from Cherry. Cherry …